Carsten Thoms
International Science & Early-Career Researchers





Based in Germany, I conducted a number of mostly self-organized research excursions of several weeks duration to marine stations in different Mediterranean countries in the course of my Masters and PhD studies.

Moreover, financed by a Marie Curie Host Fellowship from the European Union, I had the pleasure to join Prof. Ernesto Fattorusso’s group at the University of Naples, Italy, for three months.

Aug. 2002 + Aug. 2003  Research stay at the Oceanographic Institute “Ruder Boscovic”, Rovinj, Croatia (in the frame of the BMBF-funded Excellence Center “BiotecMarin”)
March 2003 - June 2003Marie Curie Fellowship Stay at the Dipartimento di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, University of Naples, Italy
April 2002 Research stay at the Laboratoire Arago, Banyuls-sur-mer, France (in the frame of the BMBF-funded Excellence Center “BiotecMarin”)
2000 – 2001 Four research stays at the Hydra Institute for Marine Science, Elba, Italy


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